God Forgive America

by S.A. Abakwue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/6/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780595175758

About the Book

A young black man sets out from Africa to seek his fortune in the United States of America. Will his idealism, intelligence and ambition be enough to survive in this nest of corruption? Can God forgive him? Yes, he has already made peace with his loving God, but he fears and prays for America. Hence — God Forgive America.

Mr. Abakwue's dark novel traces a world of racism and violence. Evil in all its forms and guises is felt as a constant force.

About the Author

S.A. Abakwue is the son of the late Chief and Mrs. Abakwue Ahuma. His home is Ohanze-Isiahia, Aba, Nigeria. He is a Christian and was brought up in a Christian family. He attended Ohanze Community School and Eziama High School, both in Aba.