Deje, Why Did You Die?

A Book of Deadly Poems, Immortal Plays and a Living Tradition

by S.A. Abakwue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/29/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9780595161690

About the Book

The book, DEJE, WHY DID YOU DIE? is divided into five sections, namely, Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D, and, Section E. Section A is composed of sixteen dangerous poems; they are "dangerous" in that they embody the mourning voice of a grieving heart.

Section B is the first Immortal Play: Among other things, this is a clear depiction of the past African-Igbo traditional heritage...a true legacy of the African subculture, prior to the arrival of the great "white woman", who fought to abolish the institution in which twin babies were destroyed as an abomination.

In Section C, however, are twenty-four social poems. They embody the variable aspects of human ways, among them, the human heritage, and the global traditions. While Section D is another literary script, THE ROYAL WHORE. The Royal Whore describes an African Prince who came to America; while in America, he saw a wonderful world of women, the great wealth of the great land, the power of the white men, the real gods of the American riches, including the terrible power of the American greed...

And, Section E is devoted to the African living tradition: Marriage in Iboland. It describes the matrimonial process, right from the INITIAL INQUIRY to the NIGHT OF BRIDE PRICE.

About the Author

S.A. Abakwue is the son of the late Chief and Mrs. Abakwue Ahuma. His home is Ohanze-Isiahia, Aba, Nigeria. He is a Christian and was brought up in a Christian family. He attended Ohanze Community School and Eziama High School, both in Aba.