Dark Poetry

by David Gudgeon



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/9/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781440103582

About the Book

Everyone has something that eats them up inside. Some dark melancholy deep in their mind, that torments them and leaves them feeling helpless at one time or another. Unfortunately, few seem to have developed a constructive way of expressing it without harming either themselves or someone else. The author is no exception. Life has been as hard on him as anyone, (less than some, greater than others as the case may be), but the point is that he does understand what it is to be in an emotional tornado. Therefore, rather than being destructive, the author in this instance has long since chosen poetry to vent his frustration, and express the often overpowering emotional turmoil of discouraging thoughts and feelings. This book consequently, is a culmination of such works, based on a selection from the author’s extensive writing. Written at various times over what is nearly a twenty year period, the poetry contained in this book is a collection extracted from a larger body of poems, due to the obvious nature of the writing. The author is of course capable of writing in a style that depicts a lighter side of life, but we will save that for another time.

About the Author

David Gudgeon, aka “The Wolf”, (long story, we’ll touch that in another book), is an extremely dry witted and sarcastic individual, likely due to a flavor for British comedy as a child. David has produced this work to let off a little steam, and perhaps help others do the same.