Light Poetry

by David Gudgeon



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 4/10/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781440136399

About the Book

Here you will find the companion to Dark Poetry, another of David's manuscripts that well, fits the image of the title rather effectively.

However, this book has been written as a selection of poems with a softer nature to them. The book is basically a poetry book, which has been taken from a larger body of work due to the nature of the writing.

This book has been written with the intention of displaying poems that focus on somewhat elated moods at the time of their writing, in the hopes that some of those expressions may be transferred to the reader. Verse can traverse the silver lining covering the clouds of life. Enjoy.

About the Author

David Gudgeon, aka “The Wolf”, (long story, we’ll touch that in another book), is an extremely dry witted and sarcastic individual, likely due to a flavor for British comedy as a child.