Gray Victory

by Robert Skimin



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 2/27/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781440119743

About the Book

Gray Victory is a richly textured, exciting novel of conspiracy and intrigue set mostly in Richmond. Its 1866, the year after the South won the war, and a live Jeb Stuart gets a court of inquiry over his actions involving Gettysburg. Stimulating subplots abound as John Mosby defends the flamboyant Stuart, and seeks the truth about Gettysburg, while a an abolitionist terrorist team, led by a son of John Brown, plots to kill the Southern leaders in the courtroom to ignite a return to war. Deeply researched. One of the most fascinating “what ifs” ever written.

About the Author

Robert Skimin, a retired army officer, has built a successful career as a respected historical novelist. Noted for his deep research and historical accuracy, his works have visited many bestseller lists. He is now working on Danny Drumm’s Heroes, an elementary school age kid’s series that will entail all of American history in 40-some volumes. He resides in El Paso, Texas.