Awakening of the Soul
Naomi: Edgar Cayce sat down and said this will be a long session.
Edgar Cayce: There are a lot of similarities between the two beings—myself and the one known as Naomi—in the fact that as we each grew up, we were in denial of our gifts. In reality, we both were and are healers for many, many lifetimes. But, when you come on Earth and take on the human form, it is very difficult due to the environment you are raised in, to accept that you have the abilities you do. You struggle through that and finally, you go to the position that you know you need to do this to help others. That is where this entity is at this time. I did not come today to talk just about our past lives and our knowing each other and our contracts.
I come to also give new information. Both of you have read my books and know that predictions were made by me, as I was the sleeping prophet. Predictions were made about the Earth changes, which now have been proven, as humans see it, erroneous in the timeframe. I do not owe you, or those on Earth, an explanation, but I will utter unto you these words: There is no time and you know this. This has been given to you by other souls on this side. Because being on Earth, I gave these dates for these predictions it was an Earthly thing to come up with numbers—a year. But, on this side, and with the Earth itself doing its own function, at its own pace, there is no way to exactly pinpoint an exact date or timeframe for any event. We can, when on Earth, guess and come close, but today, I am going to enlighten you to a lot of facts that perhaps I did not myself cover in the books that I had published. By the way, I am sure that the two of you are aware that the name, sleeping prophet, is not appropriate. I may not have had my eyes open, but my soul was traveling to the exact spot of the person needing assistance in healing. There was no sleeping going on. The human body rests, so the soul might make its journeys.
I am trying to simplify what I say and not make anything complicated. The astral trips or journeys that the entity known as Naomi—which I did not know her as this name, but I will use it today—Naomi has many astral journeys to this side—where I am located—for her learning or renewing. She renews in the human mind what she must do. She is on track although she does stray from time to time.
As for the predictions that were and are still in my books on Earth, those are coming around now, as the Earth is preparing for ascension. I will touch on this. The ascension of Earth to the next level had slowed down not due to the negativity on Earth, but to the turbulence, or the events that are happening. Picture it this way. The is Earth traveling a smooth highway, and then there is a huge boulder in the road, and the Earth has to stop until the boulder is gone, either removed by humans, or the obstacle is removed by souls, or spirits on this side. Once the obstacle is removed, the ascension resumes along the highway.
This is brought about by what you call on Earth the Dark Forces. This is the power they have to try to slow down progress. The Earth is now back on track and ascending, as it should. What I am saying today is repetitive. It is not given today as reinforcement of what you have learned, but just to let you know that my knowledge of the events that are occurring, I am trying to give to you, especially Naomi. She needs to know that in working with me, these things are given to her, and to not hold back from saying it aloud. It is a truth.
I am not using Naomi as my replacement. It is just a shared ability that each of us had. Naomi had requested and I had agreed, before she came on Earth this time, that I would continue my mission, as Edgar Cayce, through other entities on Earth. Naomi was one of these entities that it was agreed upon that I would work through—to aid and assist those that are in physical need. Now, that being said, we’ll go back to the conditions of Earth.
Earth and Fear Factor
Edgar Cayce: This has not been discussed at length before. The majority of problems that humans on Earth experience are caused by fear—not just fear of darkness, or fear of death, but fear itself. Fear is given to you on Earth by the Dark Forces. It is their control method. It is how they control you of the Light—those of you that are of the Light while you are on this planet. Their only weapon is to instill and project unto you—fear. Fear is their means of controlling everything you do. So, a lot of what you hear, or are reading, is false. They instill on the news media a fear tactic by words, and one that I am giving you today that is recent is what is called the Bird Flu.
This will not and I repeat will not be a major threat to anyone. It was developed by the Dark Forces on purpose. Scientists were working on a vaccine and it was not accidental; it was by the Dark Forces that it was let out into the fowls—f—o—w—l—s—fowls. Only the workers have contained it, or become ill with it—those who are in direct contact with these animals that were used in the experiment and research. So, the word fear has played a large part.
The Dark Forces are becoming desperate at this time. They are losing all of any strength they had because Light always encompasses the Dark and makes it Light also. So, in doing the Light beams from the galaxy and this is what they are called—the Light Givers, the Light Beings are projecting love onto the planet by emanating Light onto to the planet. In doing this, they are defeating the Dark Forces. As this occurs, they come up with more and more or try more and different means of control of humans on Earth. And the Bird Flu thing is the latest they have come up with. If people would become better informed and reject it as soon as they come up with it and not allow it to enter their minds, it would never go anywhere at all—as did the Mad Cow disease.
This too was an attempted control method that never materialized into the panic they projected because of the love emanating from the galaxy onto the Earth. Again, this is what is happening with the Bird Flu. Have no fear of it spreading. It will not spread. It will not go anywhere. As I just stated, those of the Dark Forces also have their position in the galaxy. The many highly developed souls are very aware of, or are conscious in the soul state, of what is occurring. However, all are not as developed, as you two are, in knowing that this is a strategy of the Dark Force. So, many panic, and the word fear comes into play. As you begin living fear, it so develops until you are absorbed by fear. So, the thing to encourage your loved ones, and people you know, is not to pay any attention to what is being said. The advanced technologies on Earth, at this time, allow the panic or fear to spread faster than ever before. However, Dark Forces will not be enabled to take over.