Beyond Cell Memory
Messages from Creator on Origin, Purpose, and Use of DNA and Cell Memory
Book Details
About the Book
In 2002, author Grace J. Scott began to receive channeled material from the beyond and to publish the results. This latest book of such material was delivered by souls selected by Creator to deliver His message—that He is the origin of all that is—to the world. All of creation began with a cell of Creator, and this single individual cell of His energy contains an exact copy of His DNA and cell memory. That is how we are all connected—how we are all one. Beyond Cell Memory presents the channeled material in simple language so that all who read it may understand such mysteries as how souls and bodies were created. As humans evolved physically, our form, size, and intellect were enhanced by beings of higher intellect and spiritual vibration from other universes; these same beings are now surrounding and protecting Earth. Famous people—Dr. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Edgar Cayce—channeled material that covers dreams, homosexuality, abortion, and suicide. Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei channeled material that suggests that DNA and cell memory connect us to souls of other universes and the Creator of all that is. What we, as souls, do on our planet is known by and impacts other planets containing souls. Each soul contains DNA and cell memory from Creator, and this same soul exists regardless of the number of lives lived. With imminent cataclysmic Earth changes, we must learn how to clear our cell memory of trauma.
About the Author
Grace J. Scott, MPA, has worked more than thirty years in hospitals, extended care, rehabilitation, and industrial health facilities. Her other books are Heroes Without Haloes and Awakening of the Soul—A Record of Thoughts Channeled by Souls of Humans and Aliens for a Changing Earth. Currently, she and her husband of more than forty years are retired. They live in the southern United States.