Stone of the Sahara

A Marshall Mane Archaeology Adventure

by Rock DiLisio



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781440135040
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781440135033

About the Book

Egypt 1947 -

A young archaeologist stumbles across an unknown artifact in an ancient Egyptian temple. His initial analysis leads him to believe that it may have sinister and diabolical powers. The artifact, a stele, calls to the Lion god of war, and a recently defeated army faction has targeted the artifact as a means for redemption. He writes to his former professor and acclaimed archaeologist, Marshall Mane, for assistance and the adventure stretches from the land of the pharaohs, across the Mediterranean, to the sunny shores of Italy. Redemption is in the cards, but will it be Professor Marshall Mane who has the fortune of savoring it and preventing a third world war?

Ancient artifacts and an adventure in archaeology. Need more be said?

About the Author

Rock DiLisio is a freelance writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This archaeology adventure is the sequel to Three Kings of Casablanca: The Trek to Treasure. As an avid follower of the science of archaeology, Rock is a member of the Archaeological Institute of America. He is also the author of such non-fiction works as American Advance: Westward from the French and Indian War, and Firings From The Fox Hole: A World War II Infantryman Writes Home, as well another work of fiction, Sherlock Holmes: Mysteries of the Victorian Era. Rock's work has also appeared in various magazines and newspapers.