Pittsburgh—Metropolitan Mastery
Travel Guide (and More) of the Steel City
Book Details
About the Book
This book is your source for places to see and things to do while visiting, or living, in the Steel City. Pittsburgh—a city said by many to be one of the most livable in the world—can also boast of great culture, interesting tourist attractions, sports for all fans, and scenic beauty. The glittering downtown; lush, rolling topography; and three magnificent rivers have often had the city compared to the most stunning in the world. Drive through the Fort Pitt Tunnel, experience a view that no other city can match, and travel by incline to the top of Mount Washington and experience a sight that you will never forget. You will also find unique information regarding aspects of Pittsburgh’s business climate, history, weather, population, and burgeoning industries, such as robotics and self-driving cars, as well as being called Hollywood of the East. This is your gateway to . . . the gateway to the West.
About the Author
Rock DiLisio is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is also the author of - Italy Central - Abruzzo Travel Guide. His family also once owned a travel agency near the Pittsburgh International Airport. His other books include: Night in the Galaxies, Archaeology In-Brief, American Advance, Alba’s Abruzzo, Firings from the Fox Hole, Sherlock Holmes: Mysteries of the Victorian Era, Three Kings of Casablanca, Stone of the Sahara and Palace of the Pharaoh.