Currents of Power: A modern political novel

Revised Edition

by Claude Walker



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/21/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781440150555

About the Book

"Currents of Power: A Modern Political Novel" is a behind-the-scenes look at a year-long political campaign for statewide office. We meet eight very different candidates and their inner circles, families and lovers. We follow their paths to power, motivations, schemes and passions. The reader has a front-row seat to the drama of a modern campaign: the grand strategies, brutal revelations and human failings. The book is a poignant love story and droll commentary on our political culture. Lyrical and expressionistic, "Currents of Power: A Modern Political Novel" describes the kaleidoscope of unique characters and perfect moments that swirl through a statewide race. The author likens ever-shifting political forces to the complex currents in streams and rivers, all flowing steadily to the State Capitol.

About the Author

Claude Walker has spent a lifetime in the rough-and-tumble of Illinois politics as a strategist, organizer, spin-doctor, lobbyist, dirt-digger, street-heat maestro, candidate, spy and Lincoln impersonator. He has served as senior advisor to a U.S. Senator and to now-Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. In 2003, Walker was inducted into the Society of Midwest Authors.