Let’s move on to the Messaging Process so you can get on your way toward healing…Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~ William Shakespeare
Many of us are familiar with journaling as a process of writing by free association through exploring the unconscious which allows our emotions to spill out thoughts and cover the pages with whatever comes to mind. The Messaging Process is much like journaling. It will also allow you to write out all the automatic negative thoughts that are in your mind. However, the difference is that once these thoughts have left your head you will continue to write from the eternal place of your heart to renew your mind. You will begin to notice your thoughts shift toward love and peace. Once this occurs your words will begin to coincide with your positive thoughts. You begin to see and feel a transformation take place from within you and onto the page. The Messaging Process engages your own creativity since it allows you to respond to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions by letting your gifts of the spirit live through you. Your intuitive guidance and inspired knowing will move you beyond your intellect to a place of higher thought. You create by the awareness of your inner presence to the divine that is moving and unfolding everything in your life moment by moment. When you tap into this awareness you authentically relate to yourself and connect with spirit. The Messaging Process is a creative way to cleanse and purify the soul. Through the creative process of writing and spiritual practices you have read about in this book you will pave a path toward healing from grief. Messaging is a 15 day process of reaching within to the depths of your inner self to overcome the gripping emotions of grief with truth and love toward yourself and others. Through a series of messages, or I should say, “To” and “Dear” letters, you will be exploring your thoughts, feelings and emotions with spirit as your guide. Your “To” letter will be your opportunity to express all your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You can be very expressive here. I can tell you that I had no problem writing my “To” letters and expressing my emotions. Many years ago, I was a young girl from Brooklyn, New York who needed to write out everything I was feeling about pain and all I can say is I had a way with words that wasn’t too enlightened. I didn’t know that God was preparing me back then to create a Messaging Process, but I did know that whatever was inside of me was way too painful to keep, so I had to get it out of me and writing was the only way I knew how and I have been messaging through life’s challenges and grief since then. So don’t be shy, write all the pain and hurt out of your being. Remember, you are detoxifying. This is your cleansing process. Then you will write your “Dear” message. This message will be a divine message that only the truth in your heart can deliver to you. This is your purification. As you cleanse and detoxify the thoughts of intense sorrow and pain you will need to replace your spirit system with healthy, life-giving thoughts of love and hope. Though this process you will heal and expand your heart. Your capacity to love yourself and others will overflow with understanding and compassion. It will guide you to discover the infinite that exists within you and everyone else.
Since the Messaging Process is a 15 day activity, you must be willing to commit to do this for a full 15 days without missing a day. I would also strongly suggest you commit to another 15 days once you have completed the process. I recommend this because research has been done to support the notion that a healthy, healing pattern can materialize in a person’s life within 30-40 days of a change in behavior. You will allow yourself to receive the most benefits from this process when you do it day by day with commitment and love. You owe this to yourself, so take the time to begin to heal. There is no greater gift you can give to you. You will set aside a time of day that is best for you. Some prefer the morning time because they feel there is an interrupted sense of consciousness that offers a steady stream of thought during the earlier hours of the day. Yet some have a better flow of thought in afternoon, or in the evening before bed time. Please commit to which ever time of the day that works best for you as you begin the process. At times I will be sharing some short examples of messages to give you an idea of the process but do not allow these thoughts to interfere with your thoughts. The process begins slowly as to not overwhelm you but you will be moving through many of your emotions and thoughts day by day. As you move further through the process there will be questions to guide your writing for the Messaging Process. This is your experience, please embrace the process and engage yourself to the experience. Also, please keep in mind that while you are writing your messages and once they have been written you should not edit by adding thoughts to your messages or by taking thoughts out of your messages, or worry about grammar. This will disrupt your thoughts and block the flow of writing as it comes through to you. Your words will surface as they should so you need not concern yourself with editing. No one will see this but you, so no worries about what or how you write. This is your healing journey, your time for you. This activity will offer you inspiration and allow you to immerse yourself further into the healing journey. You will be writing two messages a day, maybe more some days, and at the end of each day of messaging, there will be a metaphysical activity to culminate your experience. You will need a pen and lots of paper (maybe a notebook or journal), a quiet, peaceful space for writing and an open heart. Please make sure you are comfortable by adjusting the light and temperature in the room to your preference. Also, consider the room and space from where your writing will be taking place each day and try to let it be comfortable and organized. Before you begin you can consider lighting a candle with fragrance such as rose or sandalwood or any other scent that may be pleasing to you to offer peace and calm to your surroundings. As you light the candle take a moment to look at the candle’s glow and see it as a portal to the infinite where you can align and release your intentions for your writing each day so that you can move with the flow of consciousness. Try to make your writing place inspiring and serene. It is also important for you to please remember to keep each of your days work as you move through the process. You can consider using a folder to hold all your letters. Your emotions, thoughts, and feelings are all your guests, some may be unexpected and not wanted, be gracious to all since they each come bearing gifts. Welcome to your healing journey.
You will begin every day of the Messaging Process with the spiritual practices or techniques of visualization, affirmation, prayer and meditation. Once again, below is an over view of the techniques will assist you as you begin:
Affirmations- You will begin each day of your Messaging Process with affirmations. Consider choosing 5 affirmative statements that resonate with your spirit. Say these statements slowly, intentionally and repetitively each day. Feel the positive energy moving through your being. These affirmations are empowering and healing you.
Prayer- After you affirm your positive statements, consider sitting quietly and praying your “God Prayer”. Pray this prayer from your heart with love and gratitude as it was given to you with the same.