Pilton Keelie

Where best to raise the child – a public housing scheme in Scotland’s capital city, a small highland fishing town or a middle class American suburb near Washington DC?

by James Meikle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/14/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781462071524
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781462071531

About the Book

Is it better to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth or a hunger in your belly? Is life in the city better than life in the country? Is life in the new world really better than life in old Europe? Is private education better than public? Is a university degree compulsory to success in life?. What exactly is a better life? Affluence does not guarantee happiness and poverty does not guarantee misery and regardless of inherent socio-economic standing a kind or cruel bounce at the right or wrong moment can be life-changing. Strong parental love and guidance ultimately trump actual money but the latter does make further education more readily available and that generally opens up more opportunities in the modern world. My wife and I had no post-secondary education and loved our upbringing yet we strived very hard to make sure our children did have university degrees and a shot at that ‘better’ life. I hope the joyful if sometimes embarrassing memoirs of a Scottish working class boy, combined with a good deal of social history and the many quirks of the common language which my native and adopted countries allegedly share, can amuse and inform.

About the Author

Raised in Pilton and Drylaw, two of Edinburh’s toughest public housing schemes but spending summers with grandparents in Wick, a small fishing town on Scotland’s North East coast, Meikle tasted contrasting environments. His own kids were raised in relatively affluent Arlington, Virginia, where he is Facilities Director for public schools.