The Stonies

by James Meikle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/19/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781491781838
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781491781821

About the Book

It really is amazing how much activity and interest there can be in a relatively small green space like an average backyard if one really pays attention. Birds and critters are all creatures of habit and observing them daily can reveal an awful lot about them and their routines and provide endless entertainment and joy. Of course they are all also capable of spontaneous outbursts which is where most of the fun comes in, especially when they become competitive over the supply of food and water and occasionally even over control of the yard.

When you mix that setting with a little imagination and if you have the will to believe in talking stone angels and gnomes and other magical communications between birds and critters, it can lead to truly fascinating adventures.

I hope you and your children will get to know the Stonies, the birds and critters who occupy this one particular backyard in Arlington, Virginia, USA. They are a very colorful bunch of characters who will bring you some laughter and maybe even a small tear. They are never boring.

About the Author

After years of close observation of the behaviors, habits and interactions of the birds and critters in his own backyard, James Meikle felt compelled to somehow share the joy this gave. His niece Libby Sheehan suggested a children’s book might be the way to do that. By day, Meikle is Arlington Public Schools’ Facility Director.