“Excuse me, NikkiMac, but didn’t you wear that same dress to church last week?”
I pause on the church steps and spin around to see who’s trying to work my nerves on this fine Sunday morning. It’s Sister Chloe Shasheem, my self-proclaimed church adversary. When I open my mouth to reply, Anna Maria beats me to the punch.
“What’s it to you, Sister Chloe? We’re here for worship, not for a fashion critique.”
Sister Chloe remains quiet. She rolls her eyes at me first, then at my friend Anna Maria. I don’t know how many times I have to tell Anna Maria that I can fight my own battles.
“Thanks, Anna Maria, but I’ve got this.”
“Okay, NikkiMac.” Anna Maria stops talking but she doesn’t go inside the church building. She stands with her arms folded across her chest and watches Chloe. I face my nemesis.
“For your information, Sister Chloe, this is a different dress, but even if I wear the same dress for two, or five, or fifty worship services, the Lord approves of the fact that I’m here to worship.”
“Amen to that, Sister NikkiMac!” Brother Carlos moves ahead of us and holds the door open for Anna Maria and me. “Come on in, ladies.”
Chloe narrows her eyes and looks like she has a bad taste in her mouth, but she still doesn’t say anything. Anna Maria and I walk into the lobby.
“NikkiMac, when is Chloe going to get over herself? You don’t want Alex Carson. That relationship has been over for the longest time. Why doesn’t she act like a Christian?”
“Anna Maria, every Christian doesn’t act like one. I don’t plan to let Chloe steal my joy.” We enter the auditorium and an usher leads us to our seats. There’s the sound of soft conversation as people settle in for the opening of service. Brother Flowers taps the bell on the podium and announces,, “Good morning. It’s time for us to begin our Sunday morning worship service. Let’s bow our heads for opening prayer.”
After a short prayer, Brother Flowers asks, “Are there any special prayer requests?”
I’m surprised when no one stands up, because this is the part of service that a number of members live for. They often bare their souls, but I think some of them give out too much information in this large group setting. A few of the nosy members rely on the prayer requests to gather items for out-of-church chat fests:
Did she say her husband was out of work? Well, why is he driving that new car?
He had to put his teenager out of the house. Sounds like that child is on drugs again.
They have problems in their marriage? They should, because they both work all the time.
Just when I think we’ve escaped the prayer requests, elderly Sister Blake raises her hand.
“Yes, Sister Blake?”
“Brother Flowers, thank you for recognizing my hand. Please excuse my seat. I just got my walker situated and I don’t want to move it out of place.”
“That’s fine, Sister Blake. What’s your request?”
“Well, you all know that besides Jesus, my best friend is Cat, my dog. He’s been with me going on ten years. Cat is my constant companion. About the only place I don’t bring him with me is here to church. While I’m here, he sits on the back of the sofa in my living room, looks out the window, and watches for me to come back home.”
I wonder how Sister Blake knows what Cat does when she’s not there. Brother Flowers looks like he wants Sister Blake to get to the point. “Yes, you want to request prayer about your cat, Sister Blake?”
“No, about my dog, Cat.”
“Dog is a cat?”
“No, Cat is a dog. Please pray for me about Cat, my dog.”
Brother Flowers looks confused, but he presses on, even though whispers now travel around the auditorium. “Okay, Sister Blake, we’ll pray for you about your Cat who’s really a dog.”
“He’s really Cat.”
“Okay, we’ll pray for you about him. What’s the nature of his illness?”
“He’s not ill, Brother Flowers. Cat, my dog, is dead. My dog, Cat, died last night. Please pray for me because Cat, my dog, is dead and I’m going to miss him so much. He was the only company I had.” She sniffles and then pulls out a balled up handkerchief from inside her sleeve. She wipes her crinkled eyes.
Anna Maria whispers, “Oh, that poor lonely old woman has lost her best friend.” She goes over to Sister Blake and places her arm around the elderly lady’s shoulders.
My eyes fill with tears for Sister Blake. She’s usually a mixture of feisty and sweet, but today she’s broken.
Brother Flowers finds his words. “Sister Blake, please know that the hearts of your fellow church members hurt with you in the loss of your beloved pet.”
“Amen, Sister!”
“God bless you, Sister Blake.”
We bow our heads and Brother Flowers gives a sweet prayer of comfort for Sister Blake. The church says, “Amen.”
Sister Sharlette Johnson, our minister’s wife, moves to sit next to Sister Blake, who seems to welcome her presence. Anna Maria returns to her seat next to me.
Our song leader starts singing Leaning On The Everlasting Arms and we follow along. This is probably a perfect hymn for Sister Blake right now. After two more hymns, we take communion, and then sing O Thou Fount of Every Blessing. During the last chorus, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. The touch is from assistant minister Adam Greene. He often does that to me when he walks to the front of the auditorium. Adam’s charming attention always makes me feel joyful. I draw in a deep breath and watch him as he passes by me and takes a seat on the front pew. My mind wanders from the hymn to my growing relationship with the assistant minister.
Anna Maria notices my reaction. She smiles and shakes her head before she whispers, “You’ve got it bad, NikkiMac.”
I really don’t care what she says, because for the first time in my adult life, I’m dating a man the Christian way. Adam and I share affection, but we don’t cross the line. We’re definitely attracted to each other, but we know that God wants us to honor Him in our relationship. We’re not husband and wife, so we don’t behave like we are. We’re taking the time to know one another outside of the bedroom. Actually, Adam is better at this self-control thing than I am. However, when my mind wanders, I reflect on what the Bible says about purity, and that makes me stronger.