Jack Dillon: The Space Drone

by J.T. Spears



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781532086991
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781532086984

About the Book

When visitors from across the Galaxy finally took notice of our little blue planet, they immediately let the leaders of Earth's governments know that they were here to take over. Resistance (as the saying goes) would be futile against this race of giants who proved that their technology and weapons were far more advanced than our own. The planet Earth would be a colonized state, with or without the humans t consent, For over 100 years, men have lived under this "Stendaaran" rule, choosing to co—exist with their extraterrestrial conquerors than to go extinct because of them. Private detective, Jack Dillon, had a huge problem with this arrangement, even though he was powerless to do anything about it, He hated aliens—all spaces leeches (as he liked to call them). But all that changed the day one hired him to solve the case of a stolen relic. And while cut trying to find this thief, Jack would ultimately discover that we need these savvy invaders (for our ultimate survival) in more ways than one.

About the Author

I grew up in Reading, Pennslyvania, where I was having the time of my life until I ran into some trouble with the law one day. While incarcerated, I had a dream (a real sleeping dream) of a different world that had a cloudy light—green sky, trees with fur on their branches, and people that were ten feet tall with leopard spots on their tanned skin. So I began writing (I didn't begin writing because of the dream); short— stories at first, then as the years went by I moved on to more full—length novels, all in the lonely confines of my quiet prison cell. While incarcerated I earned certificates in Masonry and Electronics, in addition to the many novels that I've written over the years. Though my background isn't as clean and noble as one who graduated from college, I strongly believe that my work has equal merit in this field.