by J.T. Spears



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/1/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 346
ISBN : 9781663261953
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 346
ISBN : 9781663261960

About the Book

When a dark ancient being, manages to escape his banishment from the other side of our Galaxy (and exile that had lasted for over a thousand eons). He is amazed, as well as delighted to find himself returning to a vulnerable world, now absent of the ones who had vanquished then hurled him into the outer realms of existence. Forever………………….. However, no one had counted on his return (a feat once thought to be impossible). Especially to an unguarded world. There’s no one to stand in his way now. No one to oppose him. Just a few young students, well learned in the ways and practices of the ancient gods. It is only they, who must stand against him now. These remnants of the old, armed only with a knowledge, long thought to be forgotten.

About the Author

I grew up in Reading, Pennslyvania, where I was having the time of my life until I ran into some trouble with the law one day. While incarcerated, I had a dream (a real sleeping dream) of a different world that had a cloudy light—green sky, trees with fur on their branches, and people that were ten feet tall with leopard spots on their tanned skin. So I began writing (I didn't begin writing because of the dream); short— stories at first, then as the years went by I moved on to more full—length novels, all in the lonely confines of my quiet prison cell. While incarcerated I earned certificates in Masonry and Electronics, in addition to the many novels that I've written over the years. Though my background isn't as clean and noble as one who graduated from college, I strongly believe that my work has equal merit in this field.