Coyote's Song: Part One with Millennium and Other Stories (Revised)

by Matthew Theisen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781663205520
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781663205315

About the Book

Coyote is not the most reliable character in the galaxy, but when Lady Nature commissions him for a job, he takes it for the promised reward. There are, however, contrary personages whom desire to have their own schemes and story-lines prevail. Whether to stay a free agent or enlist in a group becomes of paramount importance as the struggles intensify. Characters want their own versions of stories with their own images, yet for that to occur, they must be an individual, which can be a dangerous thing in battling societies of divisive factions. Coyote's Song: Part One is written in pentameter rhyming couplets. Millennium and Other Stories explores how family life has changed in America, with new figures rising daily as role models to adopt humans as wayward children whom require eternal vigilance. The scripts supplied to people are vapid renditions of mass-produced corporate art. The only uniqueness is an unoriginal sin of art-theft; the good and bad is decided by bottom-line profit. The revised collection of nine stories contains a variety of genres and how characters are inspired by sundry authors, be it Ganesha or Raymond Chandler, in different systems on collision courses.

About the Author

Matthew Theisen is glad to be part of the community where he lives. He had a history of washing up on strange shoals, and is happy to be living in Sioux Falls (though they gotta do something about the water.