Kassie the Kookaburra- a tale of laughter and friendship

by Maree Dundee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781663255952
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781663255969

About the Book

Kassie the kookaburra sits high in his tree with his good friend Charlie the cockatoo. Together they enjoy watching over Anthony, Shae and Lea, playing in the garden below. Watch Anthony, so clever on his skateboard and bike. Discover the fun that Shae and Lea have playing games in their playhouse. What adventures those children enjoy under the beautiful Australian sun, surrounded by the beauty of Gum trees and tree ferns! How does laughter and screeching protect them from the slithering brown snake? Read on to discover the beauty of friendship and laughter between 2 feathered friends and 3 Aussie kids!

About the Author

Maree grew up in a dusty and hot Australian town in the state of Victoria. As a child she loved to read and expand her horizons outside of her small town. She met her husband whilst travelling in France and quickly moved to Sydney, a big city: which had always been her dream. Excitement, fun, three children and multiple pets followed. Maree hopes that this story captures the beauty of the Australian bush, the wildlife and the fun filled childhood her children enjoyed. Maree is working on a series of stories about her children, their dogs and their exciting move to the USA. Stay tuned for “The Adventures of Henry and Penny”