The Adventures of Henry & Penny - America here we come!

Book 1

by Maree Dundee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/7/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781663264213
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781663264220

About the Book

This delightful book tells the story of two dogs, Henry and Penny, who live in Australia with their family, the Murphys—Mum, Dad, and three kids. They love their family so much and are very happy. Then, one day the family starts packing everything into boxes and loading the boxes up into a large steel box in the driveway. Very soon, the house is empty and a jolly man then arrives in a van. With Mum and Dad’s help, he puts Henry and Penny into two large crates that say Live Animal on the side. Although the dogs are both nervous and afraid, the cheerful man helps them stay calm. He takes them to the airport, where they are loaded onto a plane, and the man tells them to enjoy their new life in America, which is a big surprise to the dogs. Once they are on the plane, a friendly lady gives them some water and then covers their crates with a warm blanket. Henry and Penny settle down to sleep and get ready for this unexpected adventure. Young readers will enjoy this engaging and interesting tale of an international move from the perspective of these two very special dogs.

About the Author

Maree grew up in a dusty and hot Australian town in the state of Victoria. As a child, she loved to read and expand her horizons outside of her small town. She met her husband whilst traveling in France and quickly moved to Sydney-a big exciting city! Adventure, fun, 3 children, and multiple pets followed. Maree wanted to share the experience of her children growing up in Australia, the beautiful landscape, the wildlife, and the adventures they all experienced.