Inspiring Stories for Travelers
Book Details
About the Book
This book is not a work of fiction. Many of the stories actually happened somewhere; well, most of them. The names and events have been adjusted a bit to entertain the audience. The work is for entertainment only. It is not intended to be a work of literature. The book is protected by copyright. However, the ideas included herein may be used at will. Attribution would be appreciated. The book contains no violence, no sex, or no bad language. It may be enjoyed by persons of all ages. The author would like to thank his daughter Kathryn for assistance with the project and for her love and kindness. Thanks for enjoying the book.
About the Author
Harry Katzan, Jr. is a professor who has written several books and many papers on computers and service, in addition to some novels. He has been an advisor to the executive board of a major bank and a general consultant on various disciplines. He and his wife have lived in Switzerland where he was a banking consultant and a visiting professor. He is an avid runner and has completed 94 marathons including Boston 13 times and New York 14 times. He holds bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees.