A Thousand Sighs

Prayer Visions of The Beloved

by Eric McCarty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/8/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9780595234820

About the Book

A Thousand Sighs is poetry to inspire a love affair with God, with nature, with each other and with the self. This intimate collection will lead the reader inwards to the still moment within,where life becomes a communication of pure spirit.

About the Author

Eric P. McCarty is poet and the previous author of Does God Have a Hero?: Meditations for Compassionate Living and Celebration of Spirit: Poems, Prayers, and Invocations. This is his second volume of poetry.

The author is a student of mediation and prayer. He has walked the path of Spirit for many years, perhaps lifetimes. He has hopes that perhaps soon he will walk the path true and sure. Until then he listens and knows that he is guided, even if he misses a step or two.

Eric McCarty can be contacted at Lauren174@comcast.net. He looks forward to hearing from readers and others who walk the path of Spirit. So this means pretty much everyone.