Fool's Gold
Book Details
About the Book
This is a story about a Desert Storm era photo-interpreter named Jerry Simmons, who discovers a large mass of metal residing in an isolated area in the eastern Rocky Mountains near Palmer Lake, Colorado. It is a retelling of his adventures to locate the metal on the ground after it was spotted from the air above, and the search through the pages of history to find out why the metal blob was there in the first place.
About the Author
Richard Braden served in both the U. S. Army and Air Force in the sixties and seventies, and he and his wife, Patricia, entered the aerospace industry in the early eighties. They are both retired from aerospace now and live in Lone Tree, Colorado, where Patricia is a City Councilman. They travel as much as they can, with daughters living in Los Angeles, Connecticut, and central Colorado. They have held great family reunions in Las Vegas, Nevada, Perugia, Italy, and Ridgefield, Connecticut. Richard can be contacted at