Pluck The Hanging Gold

by S.A. Abakwue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/6/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9780595181179

About the Book

Pluck the Hanging Gold is an embodiment of the ideas that make for a Maximum Success. And the "key to Success," I believe, is encouragement.

Well, all said and done, there is an underlying factor: You, the reader, are your own "Hanging Gold." You can "Pluck" it for your overall enlightenment; you can let it wither at will, or you can waste it—it's also your choice. The best of all worlds is right in front of you.

When I read the book Think and Grow Rich (written by Napoleon Hill), only to note that it has sold more than 20 million copies, an idea came into my mind: If an American can do it with such a degree of success, a Nigerian can do even better.

About the Author

S.A.Abakwue is the son of Chief & Mrs. Abakwue in Aba, Nigeria. He has written many books.