Christ Entered Jerusalem

by S.A. Abakwue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/26/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9780595161683

About the Book

Christ Entered Jerusalem is the contemporary take on the life of Christ. It goes from the time he was at the obscure village, Bethany, near Bethphage, till the moment he was lynched on the cross of evil men.

To digress, however, the book's preface gives a world of thankful praise to women, because the author believes that women are better than men. And, according to the author, "When God created a man, that was his rough draft; but, when he made a woman, that was his masterpiece".

The acknowledgment page pours a well of kudos to many great people, especially, to the remarkable members of the author's own church.

The book gives the individual names of the twelve men, and some notable women who, in their unique ways, played their tremendous roles in the life, and even in the ministry of Christ. The great religious forces were there too, to give Christ nothing but hard time. They were there to test, tempt, mock, and to betray him. They were there to find faults, to hurt his ministry, and to destroy him. Indeed, they were the hateful elements of Sanhedrin...the biased Pharisees, and the unbelieving Sadducees; they were the angry Chief Priests, the selfish Elders of the Jewish race, and the eminent authors of the laws of the Chosen Land.

To achieve their prime diabolic objective, they used Judas, a self-centered son of the FIRST APOSTLE OF CHRIST, PETER, to betray the SON OF A LIVING GOD. Eventually, Jesus the Son of God, was judged, found innocent, yet condemned to die like a common criminal.

About the Author

S.A. Abakwue is the son of the late Chief and Mrs. Abakwue Ahuma. His home is Ohanze-Isiahia, Aba, Nigeria. He is a Christian and was brought up in a Christian family. He attended Ohanze Community School and Eziama High School, both in Aba.