"America Can Recover"

by Thomas R. Meinders



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/28/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781450298704
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781450298711
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781450298698

About the Book

“America Can Recover” from the past few years of reckless spending programs that the people have not endorsed. Everyone needs to contact their representatives in the Congress and make it known what the American people want. It is not too late if we take actions. Remember if you don’t voice your opinions for the changes you feel are correct then you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution. We can accomplish our goal if we set our minds and efforts to the task.

We need to wake up the American voters while we still have some rights in this country. Not only that, we have the God given right to question the actions of the politicians that are making decisions in Washington. We would be fools if we allow ourselves to blindly follow the politicians. We were given brains and were meant to use them to think about the issued that affect our everyday lives in this country.

The uninformed, uneducated and easily manipulated that are among us follow the line of thinking that has been presented to them by the leaders in Washington. It is past time for the citizens of the United States to start realizing what has been happening and make some changes. Fortunately, it is still not too late.

About the Author

I was born in Grundy Center, Iowa on October 21, 1937 and raised in Cedar Falls, Iowa until I enlisted in the United States Air Force. I have served my country for 8 years, 1 month and 6 days and have two honorable discharges to show for it. I am currently raising my 9 year old son as a single parent. I have been the Committee Chairman of the American Citizens Political Action Committee since it was founded. It really disturbs me that the governments at all levels are more concerned about keeping their voting support than they are about the welfare of all the citizens of this great country. I was involved in the stock brokerage business for about 20 years and was an accountant for about 25 years. In addition, for about 10 years I have attempted to help startup companies to have a method of raising capital. As with all start-up companies some of them made it and the majority of them did not. I try to use common sense. I have written the following books: “A Beautiful America” “America Can Recover” “Bashing Sarah Palin”, “Proud To Be American” and “My American Dream”. For more information on my views and photos visit my websites:

