"Should Obama Be Impeached?"


by Thomas R. Meinders



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/6/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781462014361
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781462014378
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781462014385

About the Book

“Should Obama Be Impeached?” The United States of America is currently in three wars. What the American people would like to know is why we engaged in any of them since the President of the United States doesn’t make a commitment to winning them. The President has stated that we would start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan within a few months. If we are going to withdraw the troops in a few months without any hope of winning the war it makes more sense to withdraw them immediately. The Taliban is just waiting for the troops to withdraw. The Taliban already knows that they have won the war. The President needs to make the commitment to win the war or get out now. This is a huge waste of the resources of the United States with no hope for a positive outcome. If the President is going to have a plan to win the war then he needs to discuss it with the Generals in charge. The President does not know who we are fighting or why. When Obama was asked who the rebels are in Libya there was complete silence. Why are we there when no one knows who we are supporting? Then the President has made comments that Gadhafi must go. Then in the next sentence Obama states that we will not target Gadhafi with the air strikes. The President can not have it both ways. Either eliminate Gadhafi and his leaders or forget about winning this war. When you cut off the head of the dog, the rest of the dog is going to stop functioning. This does not seem like a very hard decision to make. Get serious about winning or get out of the game.

About the Author

I was born in Grundy Center, Iowa on October 21, 1937 and raised in Cedar Falls, Iowa until I enlisted in the United States Air Force. I have served my country for over 8 years. I have been the Committee Chairman of the American Citizens Political Action Committee since it was founded. It really disturbs me that the governments at all levels are more concerned about keeping their voting support than they are about the welfare of all the citizens of this great country. I was involved in the stock brokerage business for about 20 years and was an accountant for about 25 years. In addition, for about 10 years I have attempted to help start-up companies to have a method of raising capital. As with all start-up companies some of them made it and the majority of them did not. I try to use common sense. I have also written the following books: “A Beautiful America” “America Can Recover” “Bashing Sarah Palin” “Proud To Be American” “Taking Back America” and “My American Dream”. For more information on my views and photos visit my websites: www.thomasmeinders.com | www.americancitizenspac.com